TopSpice 10 Specifications
TopSpice Simulator
Schematic Capture
TopView Graphical Post-Processor
System Requirements
License Activation
TopSpice Simulator
64-bit mixed-mode mixed-signal enhanced version of SPICE circuit simulation program with built-in
logic simulator, analog behavioral modeling extensions, PSpicetm and
HSPICEtm compatible extensions and many other enhancements.
Circuit size is limited only by available system resources.
Input/Output File
TopSpice input format is a text file using
the SPICE syntax with extensions for digital simulation and
behavioral modeling. TopSpice also accepts most PSpicetm, HSPICEtm and
SPICE3 syntax extensions. Output listing is a text file in SPICE2 format.
The simulation results data are saved as a compact binary data file.
DC operating bias point, DC sweep, AC linear frequency response, transient response,
frequency response analysis (FRA) of switching circuits in the time domain,
noise, Fourier harmonic, transfer function, sensitivity,
temperature and parametric stepping, "alter" circuit, Monte Carlo and worst case.
Simulator Analysis Commands
Command | Description
.AC | AC analysis (frequency sweep)
.ALTER | Repeat run with altered components
.DC | DC sweep
.ENCRYPTED | Start of encrypted netlist block
.END | End of circuit
.ENDL | End of library entry section
.ENDS | End of subcircuit definition block
.ENDM | End of macromodel definition block
.FOUR | Fourier harmonic analysis
.FRA | Frequency response analysis (transient nonlinear)
.FUNC | Function definition
.GLOBAL | Global nodes
.HSPICE$ | Enable HSPICE in-line comment marker " $"
.IC | Initial condition
.INC | Include file
.LIB | Model library file
.LOADBIAS | Load bias point data file
.MACRO | Start macromodel definition block
.MC | Monte Carlo analysis
.MODEL | Device model definition
.NODESET | Set node initial voltages
.NOISE | Noise analysis
.OP | DC operating point
.OPTIONS | Set simulator options
.PARAM | Parameter defintion
.PLOT | ASCII "line printer" plot
.PRINT | Print tabulated simulation data
.PROBE | Save simulation results to binary data file
.PROTECT | Protect netlist
.RENUMBER | Renumber element reference names
.SAVE | Save simulation results to binary data file
.SAVEBIAS | Save bias point data to file
.SENS | Sensitivity analysis
.STAT | Device statistical distribution
.STEP | Parametric stepping
.SUBCKT | Start subcircuit definition block
.TEMP | Set operating temperature and repeat run
.TF | DC small-signal transfer function calculation
.TRAN | Transient analysis
.WC | Worst case analysis
.WIDTH | Input/output file line width
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Built-in Circuit Elements
Resistors, capacitors, inductors, coupled inductors, nonlinear magnetic cores, switches, diodes,
BJTs,JFETs, MOSFETs, GaAs FETs, ferroelectric capacitors,
ideal and lossy transmission lines, voltage and current sources, controlled sources,
digital elements, analog/digital interfaces, and subcircuits (macromodels).
Simulator Built-in Circuit Elements
Device | Description
A | LTspice special functions
B | GaAs FET (GASFET), behavioral source
C | Capacitor (linear, ABM expression, POLY, TABLE, PWL, charge expression, FERRO)
D | Diode (model levels 0, 1 and 3)
E | Voltage-controlled voltage source
F | Current-controlled current source (linear, POLY)
G | Voltage-controlled current source
H | Current-controlled voltage source (linear, POLY)
I | Independent current source
J | JFET, GASFET and MESFET (model levels 1, 2, 3 and 6)
K | Mutual (coupled) inductance, saturable magnetic core
L | Inductor (linear, POLY, PWL, saturable core)
M | MOSFET (model levels 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14, 44, 49, 53, 54, 55) and VDMOS
O | Analog/digital interface
Q | BJT (model levels 1, 2, 4)
R | Resistor (linear, ABM expression)
S | Switch (voltage controlled, VSWITCH and SW models)
T | Transmission line (ideal, LTRA, TRN)
U | Digital (logic) element
V | Independent voltage source
X | Subcircuit
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Simulator Built-in Device Models
Model | Description
ATOD | Analog-to-digital interface
C | Integrated capacitor
CAP | Capacitor
CORE | Nonlinear magnetic core (Jiles-Atherton model)
D | Diode (levels 0, 1 and 3)
DTOA | Digital-to-analog interface
FECAP | Ferroelectric capacitor
GASFET | GaAs FET (levels 1, 2, 3, 6)
LNPN | Lateral NPN BJT
LTRA | Lossy transmission line
NJF | N-channel JFET
NMF | N-channel MESFET
NMOS | N-channel MOSFET (levels 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14, 44, 49, 53, 54, 55)
NPN | NPN BJT (levels 1 and 4)
PJF | P-channel JFET
PMF | P-channel MEFSET
PMOS | P-channel MOSFET (levels 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14, 44, 49, 53, 54, 55)
PNP | PNP BJT (levels 1, 2 and 4)
R | Integrated resistor
RES | Resistor
SW | Switch - voltage-controlled with hysteresis
TRN | Lossy transmission line
U3GATE | Digital tri-state gates
UALU | Digital ALU functions
UCOUNT | Digital counter functions
UEFF | Digital edge-triggered flip-flops
UGATE | Digital Boolean gates and delay function
UGFF | Digital gated flip-flops
UIO | Analog/digital interface modeling
UPULSE | Digital pulse generators
URAM | Digital RAM
UROM | Digital ROM
USEL | Digital decoders, encoders and multiplexers
USREG | Digital shift registers
USTIM | Digital stimulus generators
VDMOS | Vertical double diffused MOSFET
VSWITCH | Switch - voltage-controlled (VSWITCH and SW models)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Analog Behavioral Modeling
VALUE (arbitrary expressions of voltage, current, time and temperature),
TABLE (look-up tables), FREQ (frequency response and s-parameter tables),
LAPLACE (Laplace transforms),
POLY (polynomial functions of voltage and current),
arbitrary expressions for resistors and capacitors.
FUNC and PARAM statements to define user functions and parameters.
TopSpice support both the PSpice and HSPICE syntax formats for specifying analog
behavioral modeling expressions.
Fast and efficient buit-in models for common analog functions:
Digital Simulation
Built-in event-driven logic simulator; SPICE
like syntax for logic elements; nine-state logic simulation; separate analog
and digital time step control; no limitations in analog/digital connections;
user specified gate delays; user specified A/D interface models; glitch
and race condition detection; digital state and waveform output options.
Digital Primitives
Simulator Built-in Digital Primitives
Function | Description
ADD | N-bit full adder
AND | N-input AND gate
BUF | Buffer gate(s)
BUF3 | Tri-state buffer gate(s)
COMP | N-bit magnitude comparator
COUNT | N-bit universal counter
DEC | N-bit to N-line decoder
DELAY | Delay function
DFF | Edge-triggered D flip-flop
DIVN | Divide-by-N counter
DLATCH | Gated D flip-flop (latch)
INV | Inverter gate(s)
JKFF | Edge-triggered JK flip-flop
MUX | One of n-bit multiplexer
NAND | N-input NAND gate
NOR | N-input NOR gate
OR | N-input OR gate
PARITY | N-bit parity generator/checker
PENC | N-line priority encoder
PSREG | N-bit universal shift register (parallel load)
PULSE | Pulse generator/multivibrator
RAM | Static random-access-memory
ROM | Read-only-memory
RSFF | Gated RS flip-flop
SREG | N-bit shift register (serial in/parallel out)
SREGP | N-bit shift register (parallel in/serial out)
SRFF | Gated SR flip-flop
SRLATCH | SR AND-OR type latch (no invalid states)
XNOR | N-input XNOR gate
XOR | N-input XOR gate
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Signal Sources
AM (amplitude modulated), EXP (exponential), FILE (data file), NOISE (noise generator for
.NOISE analysis), PULSE (pulsed waveform),
PWL (piecewise linear), RANDOM (random waveform), SFAM (single-frequency AM),
SFFM (single-frequency FM), SIN (sine),
CLOCK (digital), DATA (digital). Any arbitrary function in time or frequency
may also be generated using the behavioral modeling options.
Model libraries
.LIB and .INC commands to search and insert
model definitions from model library files. Index search mode for fast
searches of multiple or large library files. Compatible with most component
vendor and third party model libraries.
The TopSpice software package comes with an extensive set of model libraries
with over 35,000 parts. They include discrete devices
(diodes, transistors, power semiconductors, etc.), analog ICs and functions,
optoelectronic and RF devices, magnetic parts, digital logic families
(TTL, CMOS and ECL), SMPS design models, and vendor model libraries.
To view the complete list of models included, browse the
Model Library Catalog file
(library.txt). Or, download and install the Demo version. Then, open
the "Model Library Database" icon in the TopSpice folder, or select
"Tools|Model libraries|Model Database" command from either the
Schematic Editor or Circuit File Editor menu.
Other Features
Alphanumeric node names, global nodes, user defined
parameters and expressions, parameter passing to subcircuits, automatic
search of default model libraries, user definable default device models,
in-line and multiple comment line markers, simulation status display.
Supports TopSpice encrypted model files.
Topview Graphical Post-Processor
TopView is the graphical postprocessor program included with TopSpice
for plotting the simulation results and performing waveform analysis. To
take full advantage of SPICE simulation results the user must be able to
display the results graphically with a minimum of fuss. TopView allows
quick and intuitive analysis of the output data in a manner similar as
oscilloscopes are used to analyze real electronic circuits.
TopView was specifically designed for rapid viewing of the results for
most typical design situations. Unlike other SPICE graphical postprocessor
programs, which require the user to go through a cumbersome process of selecting
waveforms and plot settings, TopView features fully automated plotting
of simulation data. TopView's "Auto Plot" function will read
a SPICE output file data, and it will automatically select the appropriate
graph settings, assign different plot windows to different variable types
such as voltages and currents, determine the units for labeling the axes
and plot all the waveforms. To facilitate debugging or tracing of a circuit
operation, TopView also includes a "Probe" mode which allows
users to interactively pick and plot any waveforms from the simulation
Input Format: TopView accepts data from SPICE text output files in the
following formats: SPICE2G6, HSPICE(tm), PSpice(tm) and SPICE3.
The following data files can also be imported: TopSpice binary output,
CSDF, Touchstone s-parameter, .WAV audio and user generated text data files.
Plots: Data points per waveform and number of waveforms in a plot
limited only by available system resources (up to 256 million points for a waveform).
Data from multiple output files can be displayed on the same plot. Simultaneous
display of analog and digital waveforms. Up to eight plots per graph.
Auto/Probe Plotting Modes: users can choose fully automated plotting
of simulation results or manual selection of circuit variables. Fast automatic
plotting with auto scaling, auto window selection, auto labeling. Auto/manual
linear/log scaling of plots. X axis variable selection. Data can be shown
as lines, symbols or bars.
Cursors: two cursors are available for reading out waveform values,
calculating deltas and slopes, and placing labels anywhere on the plot
area. Cursors can be used to find maximum, minimum, peak, RMS, etc. points on
waveform. User selectable cursor shapes.
Zoom and scroll: users can zoom-in to any area of the plot, or
manually set the axes limits. Then, the plot can be scrolled left-right or
Waveform operations: any arbitrary expression that can include
waveform variable names, constants, arithmetic operator and math functions.
Complex vector expressions. Also integration, differentiation and FFT analysis.
Post-processing: instant FFT, histogram plots,
"eye" displays, tabulate variable & performance analysis
Plot formats: Bode plots, Smith charts, Nyquist plots, polar charts, eye plots, I-V curves.
Embedded commands: allows TopView postprocessor directive commands
to be embedded in SPICE netlist files.
Post-Processor Directives
Command | Description
#AUTOPLOT | Auto plot specified variables
#AUTOPLOT BODE | Bode plot with gain on left axis and phase on right axis
#AUTOPLOT FFT | Calculate FFT and plot
#AUTOPLOT HISTOGRAM | Plot histogram
#AUTOPLOT NYQUIST | Nyquist plot of complex data
#AUTOPLOT POLARCHART | Polar chart of complex data
#CALC | Calculate expressions
#CALC FFT | Calculate FFT
#DATA INTERPOLATE | Interpolates data
#DATA LIMIT | Limits data values
#DATA WINDOW | Limits data X range
#MEASURE AREA | Measure area (integral) of waveform
#MEASURE DELAY | Measure delay
#MEASURE DELTA | Measure difference in Y values
#MEASURE FREQ | Measure frequency of periodic waveform
#MEASURE MAX | Measure maximum value
#MEASURE MEAN | Measure mean (average) value
#MEASURE MIN | Measure minimum value
#MEASURE RMS | Measure RMS value
#MEASURE VALUE | Measure value of Y at specified X value
#MEASURE WIDTH | Measure X width (pulse, bandwidth, etc.)
#MEASURE XMAX | Measure X value at maximum of Y data
#MEASURE XMIN | Measure X value at minimum of Y data
#REVISION: | Circuit revision info
#RUNSCRIPT | Run postprocessor commands in a script file
#SUBTITLE | Mark following line as the plot subtitle
#TABULATE | Tabulate variable
#WRITEDATA | Write plot data to a text file
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Output: high quality output to printers. Graphic file export
Schematic Editor
A graphical schematic entry program is included with TopSpice. It allows
the designer to draw electrical circuit schematics from which it generates
complete SPICE netlist files automatically. It features:
Easy to use graphical user interface. All
commands are available through pull-down and pop-up menus and toolbar.
Hierarchical designs. Both top-down and bottom-up hierarchical design methodologies
are supported. Large design projects can be implemented in multiple levels of hierarchy.
Support for SPICE subcircuits (macromodels). The user has options to draw separate
subcircuits on a schematic, use SPICE netlist (text) subcircuits, and save subcircuits,
or the entire schematic, as SPICE models to a file.
Support for schematic with multiple pages. A circuit schematic may be partitioned
into a number of separate pages (up to 100).
Includes symbols for all the SPICE circuit elements, TopSpice model
library parts and many other common components. Users can create and add
new schematic symbols using a text editor or the symbol utility functions.
Symbols from multiple symbol library files may be used on the same drawing.
Extensive symbol attributes options. Most symbols may be rotated, mirrored and/or flipped. No
separate definitions are needed for each view. Option to draw symbols at twice normal size. Symbol
"preview" box for quick part selection.
Option to draw symbols at twice normal size.
Snap-to-grid, automatic part numbering and "double-click" to
repeat part for fast placement of components.
"Auto-junction" and orthogonal drawing constraint modes for easy
wiring connections.
Complete edit commands include cut, paste, copy, move, rotate, mirror,
flip and change attributes. Double-click to edit any object
attribute on the drawing. Edit operations can be applied to a group, area, subcircuit
or entire schematic.
Advanced wire "rubberbanding" feature maintains both electrical connectivity and aesthetic
appearance when moving parts on a schematic.
Node names may be given to wires and part pins by placing a label next
to it. The assigned node name is used in the SPICE netlist file instead
of a node number.
Easy schematic navigation with position scroll bars, multiple zoom levels, area zooming,
hierarchical block "push-down" and many convenient keyboard shortcuts.
Full page display option for any sheet size (A through E).
Auto symbol generator function automatically creates schematic symbols
to match any subcircuit block.
Fast and user transparent generation of complete SPICE circuit files.
SPICE commands, models, etc. may be included in a separate command file,
which is automatically inserted to the SPICE netlist, or they may also
be added directly on the schematic as text objects.
Option to show SPICE node numbers on schematic. Automatic connection
of same name wires, pins, power rails and ground.
Full support for SPICE syntax including specification of device and
source parameters, and subcircuits.
Support for TopSpice digital functions and analog behavioral models.
Probe circuit function allows the user to use a virtual probe to interactively point to a schematic
wire or part and display the simulated waveforms or operating point bias values.
DC bias operating point node voltages, currents and device power display on the schematic drawing.
Option to highligh devices that exceed maximum current or power specifications.
Selection "disable" feature to remove temporarily components from the simulation circuit without
modifying the schematic drawing for convenient debugging and design analysis.
"Auto save" feature automatically saves changes at user specified intervals.
User set configuration settings, zoom level and cursor position are
saved and restored when editing the same schematic for quick design iterations.
Automatic updating of title block information.
Model file encryption tool.
Model import tool converts SPICE models, IBIS models and s-parameter data files into schematic parts.
Support for multiple/parallel simulation runs of the same schematic circuit.
Drawing using graphics objects.
Insert picture files as schematic objects allows for convenient documentation.
High quality hard copy to most printers. Any sheet size may be printed on
any paper size. Graphic file (JPEG, WMF, EMF, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PDF) export option.
System Requirements
TopSpice is a Windows 64-bit application. Requirements:
Windows 64-bit operating system (7 SP1*, 8, 10 or 11).
PC with Intel Core or compatible multi-core CPU.
1GB RAM minimum.
500MB free disk drive space.
Display with 1200x800 minimum screen resolution.
Internet connection or email service.
All TopSpice products require online
license activation (offline activation
option also available) for each installation.
* Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 update.
Product specifications are subject to change without notice. All
company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
Copyright © 2025 Penzar Development.